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FaceIt Unity

Our story

FACE IT UNITY is a dedicated nonprofit organization committed to transforming the lives of young people from broken homes, homelessness, and juvenile backgrounds. Through faith and community support, we aim to provide hope and a second chance for a brighter future.

MATHEW 6:5-13
MATHEW 7:7-12

FaceIt Mission

“To empower and transform the lives of at-risk youth through faith-based guidance, comprehensive mental health support, and practical life skills training, fostering a generation of confident, independent, and socially responsible individuals who contribute positively to their communities.”

FaceIt Vision 

“A future where every young person, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to thrive in a supportive and nurturing environment, regaining confidence and building a life of purpose rooted in Christian values and community service.”

The need to give a hand to Single Mothers


Single mothers in Africa face a range of complex challenges that can impact their well-being and the development of their children. Here are some of the key issues they face, along with potential solutions we will stand by them work hand in hand to help them rebuild their lives and provide a better future for their children and rekindle their fire and dreams

Single mothers often struggle with financial instability due to limited income, lack of job opportunities, and the burden of being the sole provider for their families.

  • Income-Generating Programs:- Provide training in vocational skills, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy to help single mothers start small businesses or find stable employment.
  • Microfinance and Savings Groups:- Establish microfinance programs and savings groups that offer small loans and financial support to help single mothers invest in income-generating activities.
  • Social Welfare Support:- Advocate for government policies that provide financial assistance, child support, and social security benefits for single mothers.


Many single mothers lack access to education, which limits their job prospects and ability to support their families.

  • Adult Education Programs:-  Offer literacy and education programs for single mothers, enabling them to improve their skills and increase their employability.
  • Scholarships and Educational Support:-  Provide scholarships and financial aid for single mothers who wish to pursue further education or vocational training.
  • Childcare Services:-  Develop affordable childcare services to enable single mothers to attend school or training programs without worrying about their children.


Single mothers often face social stigma, discrimination, and isolation from their communities, which can lead to mental health issues and decreased self-esteem.

  • Support Groups:-  Create support groups where single mothers can share experiences, provide mutual support, and build a sense of community.
  • Community Awareness Campaigns:-  Conduct awareness campaigns to challenge stereotypes, reduce stigma, and promote understanding and acceptance of single mothers.
  • Mental Health Services:-  Provide access to counseling and mental health services to help single mothers cope with stress, depression, and anxiety.


Single mothers may struggle to access healthcare for themselves and their children due to financial constraints or limited availability of services.


  • Healthcare Subsidies:- Advocate for healthcare subsidies or insurance programs that specifically support single mothers and their children.
  • Mobile Health Clinics:-  Establish mobile health clinics that provide essential medical services to single mothers in remote or underserved areas.
  • Health Education:- Offer health education programs that teach single mothers about preventive care, maternal health, and child nutrition.


Single mothers may face housing insecurity due to financial challenges, lack of affordable housing, or eviction.


  • Affordable Housing Programs:- Work with governments and NGOs to develop affordable housing options for single mothers and their families.
  • Housing Assistance:-  Provide rental assistance or subsidies to help single mothers secure stable housing.
  • Shelter and Transitional Housing:-  Create shelters or transitional housing programs for single mothers facing homelessness or domestic violence.


Single mothers often struggle to balance the demands of work and parenting, leading to stress and potential neglect of their own needs.


  • Flexible Work Opportunities:- Advocate for flexible work arrangements, remote work options, or part-time jobs that allow single mothers to balance work and family responsibilities.
  • Parenting Support Programs:- Offer parenting classes and workshops that provide practical advice, emotional support, and resources for single mothers.
  • Community Childcare Support:- Encourage community-based childcare cooperatives where mothers can share childcare responsibilities.


Single mothers may face legal challenges related to custody, child support, and inheritance rights, especially in contexts where women’s legal rights are limited.


  • Legal Aid Services:-  Provide free or low-cost legal aid services to assist single mothers with custody, child support, and other legal matters.
  • Advocacy for Legal Reforms:-  Advocate for legal reforms that protect the rights of single mothers and ensure fair treatment in custody and inheritance cases.
  • Education on Legal Rights:-  Educate single mothers about their legal rights and how to navigate the legal system.


Single mothers may struggle to provide quality education and childcare for their children due to financial constraints or lack of access to services.


  • Subsidized Childcare:- Work with governments and NGOs to provide subsidized or free childcare services for single mothers.
  • Early Childhood Education Programs:- Develop early childhood education programs that are accessible and affordable for the children of single mothers.
  • School Scholarships:- Offer scholarships and financial aid for the children of single mothers to ensure they have access to quality education.
United States

ingle mothers in the United States face a variety of challenges, many of which can significantly impact their ability to provide for their children and maintain their well-being. Here are some of the key issues they face, along with potential solutions to help them rebuild their lives and support their children:


Single mothers often struggle with financial instability due to low wages, lack of job opportunities, and the high cost of living, including housing, childcare, and healthcare.


  • Workforce Development Programs:- Provide job training and skills development programs to help single mothers secure higher-paying jobs and advance their careers.
  • Childcare Subsidies:-  Expand access to affordable childcare through government subsidies and employer-sponsored childcare programs, allowing single mothers to work without the burden of high childcare costs.
  • Financial Assistance Programs:-  Increase access to financial aid programs such as TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), and housing assistance to provide a safety net for single mothers.


Single mothers may lack the education or qualifications needed for better-paying jobs, limiting their economic mobility.


  • Educational Grants and Scholarships:- Offer scholarships and grants specifically for single mothers to pursue higher education or vocational training.
  • Online and Flexible Learning Options:- Provide access to online courses and flexible learning programs that allow single mothers to study while balancing work and family responsibilities.
  • Mentorship and Support Networks:-  Establish mentorship programs that connect single mothers with advisors who can guide them through educational and career pathways.


Many single mothers struggle to access affordable healthcare for themselves and their children, leading to unmet medical needs and financial strain.


  • Medicaid Expansion:-  Advocate for expanded Medicaid coverage and access to affordable health insurance options through the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
  • Community Health Clinics:-  Support the development of community health clinics that offer low-cost or free medical, dental, and mental health services to single mothers and their children.
  • Health Education Programs:-  Provide health education programs that teach single mothers about preventive care, nutrition, and managing chronic conditions.


Single mothers often experience social isolation and a lack of support, which can lead to stress, depression, and difficulties in parenting.


  • Support Groups:- Create support groups for single mothers where they can share experiences, provide mutual support, and build friendships.
  • Parenting Workshops:- Offer parenting classes and workshops that provide single mothers with the tools and knowledge to navigate the challenges of parenting alone.
  • Community Building:- Encourage community-based programs that foster a sense of belonging and provide opportunities for single mothers to connect with others in similar situations.


Single mothers are at higher risk of housing instability or homelessness due to financial challenges, domestic violence, or other factors.


  •  Affordable Housing Initiatives:- Advocate for the development of affordable housing programs and access to Section 8 housing vouchers for single mothers.
  • Transitional Housing Programs:- Provide transitional housing and shelter options for single mothers who are fleeing domestic violence or facing homelessness.
  • Homeownership Programs:- Offer homeownership assistance programs, including down payment assistance and affordable mortgage options, to help single mothers achieve stable housing.


Single mothers often struggle to balance the demands of work and parenting, leading to stress, burnout, and challenges in providing quality care for their children.


  • Flexible Work Arrangements:- Advocate for flexible work policies, including remote work options, flexible hours, and family leave, to help single mothers balance work and family life.
  • Employer-Sponsored Childcare:- Encourage employers to provide on-site childcare or subsidies for childcare expenses as part of employee benefits.
  • Time Management Support:- Offer workshops or resources that teach single mothers time management skills and strategies for balancing work and parenting.


Single mothers may face legal challenges related to child custody, child support, and navigating the family court system.


  • Legal Aid Services:- Provide access to free or low-cost legal assistance for single mothers dealing with custody, child support, and other family law issues.
  • Advocacy for Fair Policies:-  Advocate for policies that ensure fair treatment in family court, equitable child support enforcement, and protection of parental rights.
  • Education on Legal Rights:-  Educate single mothers about their legal rights and the family law process to empower them to advocate for themselves and their children.


Single mothers may struggle to find affordable, quality childcare and early childhood education for their children.


  • Subsidized Childcare Programs:- Expand access to subsidized childcare programs to ensure that single mothers can afford quality care for their children while they work or attend school.
  • Head Start and Early Childhood Education Programs:- Increase funding and access to programs like Head Start that provide early childhood education and support services for low-income families.
  • Employer Partnerships:- Encourage partnerships between employers and childcare providers to offer on-site childcare or financial assistance for childcare expenses.

Implementation Strategy

  • Collaborate with Local NGOs and Government Agencies:

Partner with organizations already working on issues related to women’s rights, child welfare, and economic empowerment to pool resources and expertise.

  • Build a Network of Volunteers and Mentors:

Engage community volunteers and professionals to provide mentorship, support, and practical assistance to single mothers.

  • Secure Funding and Resources:

Apply for grants, engage in fundraising, and seek donations to fund programs that support single mothers, ensuring sustainability and long-term impact.

  • Monitor and Evaluate Programs:

Continuously assess the effectiveness of the programs and make adjustments based on feedback from the participants and the community.

These solutions can help single mothers in Africa overcome the challenges they face, rebuild their lives, and create a stable and supportive environment for their children.